Myrtle Point Booster Club is a non-profit organization consisting of parents and community volunteers. MPBC was founded over 20 years ago with the intention of broadening the involvement of students, student families, and the school through support of all student athletes and athletic programs, as well as other extracurricular activities. By working closely with the coaches, Athletic Director, and Principal of the school our goal is to create positive, thriving athletic programs, and contribute to a positive school atmosphere.
Activities the Booster Club is involved in….
· Meet the Bobcats
· Spiritwear merchandise
· Managing concessions with the assistance of various teams, clubs, and school organizations. This not only helps provide food and drinks to spectators during games, but also allows these organizations opportunities to raise funds to support their activities.
· Annual Booster Benefit Auction that directly benefits the student athletic programs
Thanks to our generous sponsors, donors, and contributors our 2023 Booster Club Benefit Auction raised a record breaking $201,000+ that directly benefits our Middle School/ High School student athletes and their programs. $83,320.97 is specifically designated for the Track Revitalization Project through the “Feed a Need” and the Track Grate donations.
Join us in supporting our student athletes and programs! MPBS meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm at the Extension Office (631 Alder St).
Let’s show our student athletes how proud we are to be from Bobcat Country!