September 9, 2024
The Maple Middle School is officially up and running. We had a great first week and look forward to week 2. We currently have 154 students at Maple. Last year, we ended the school year with 135 6th thru 8th grade students. We have had to adjust schedules, etc., to accommodate the increase in enrollment. We will continue to adjust as needed. This is a good problem for our district.
I would like to ask parents to drop their students off in the morning on the side of the building and not in front where the bus loading zone is. This will make if much safer for the kids attending Maple.
In other district news, all of our athletic teams are starting competitions this week. Middle school volleyball has their first game today, Cross County has their first meet on Wednesday and football has their first game on Wednesday also. All high school athletics are up and rolling. Our next home football game is Friday, September 20th. Volleyball is hosting a tournament this Saturday.
I will have dates for Open Houses in the district next week.
We are looking forward to a great year in the Myrtle Point School District. I will be sharing more information about school dates such as school picture dates next week.
Steve Perkins