Community Service Hours Information
Community Service Hours:
A total of 10 hours per semester are required to maintain your NHS membership in good standing. At least 5 of those 10 hours must be completed/acquired from an NHS--approved activity/event (see below).. Remaining hours may be acquired from any other community service activity that is approved by a signature or proof of participation.
Blank forms can be picked up in person from McKenzie Wallace.
NOTE: Following are some community service opportunities which are available to NHS members. Summer hours do count towards your Fall community service hours requirement.
* Any MPHS event held on campus is considered an NHS-approved activity/event for community service hours. For example, if you wish to help out with an ASB event or volunteer to work a basketball game or help set up for a school dance... those are all considered NHS-approved activities/events. You must coordinate with the teacher or advisor of that given event or activity in advance, get their approval for you to volunteer for the event, and get their signature on your community service hour sheet.
If you have any other questions about community service hours, please speak to an NHS officer or McKenzie Wallace