Graduation Recognition
MPHS NHS graduating seniors in good standing may choose to purchase official NHS graduation recognition items to wear with their robes at the graduation ceremony as follows:
2-semester senior member in good standing with MPHS NHS is eligible to purchase a blue and gold NHS honor cord.
3-semester senior member in good standing with MPHS NHS is eligible to purchase a blue honor stole (collar style)
4-semester senior member in good standing with GVHS NHS is eligible to purchase a blue honor stole (collar style) along with a gold-tone NHS membership pin
If the MPHS NHS senior chooses to purchase the above, the cost is in addition to their annual dues and shall be purchased through McKenzie Wallace (NHS Advisor) by March of the given graduation year.
The cost of an honor cord is about $17, and the cost of an honor stole is about $28 (costs subject to change). The gold-tone NHS membership pin is provided at no cost to the NHS member upon their participation in the induction ceremony.
NHS GRADUATION CEREMONY PROGRAM RECOGNITION MPHS NHS graduating seniors in good standing will be recognized in the graduation ceremony program indicating their membership in NHS. NHS DIPLOMA SEAL GVHS NHS graduating seniors in good standing will have the official NHS gold seal affixed to their high school diploma as recognition of their membership in NHS.