NHS Member Eligibility Requirements
Membership is restricted to students enrolled in MPHS. Applicants must fully complete a MPHS NHS membership application in order to be considered for membership. Due dates for applications will be determined by the NHS Officers and NHS Advisor each semester. Due dates will be announced at MPHS NHS meetings, documented on MPHS NHS meeting agendas.
Applicants/inductees must have a majority approval vote by the Faculty Council. Official membership is confirmed only after official induction of the applicant/inductee at an Induction Ceremony, typically scheduled for Spring of the given year.
Applicants/members must maintain a 3.5 cumulative weighted GPA or above as determined by semester-ending official transcript grades, for each semester of membership.
Applicants/members must be at least in their 2nd semester of their 10th grade year.
Applicants/members may have no documented disciplinary issues. Applicants/members must be behaviorally in good standing with the school/district.
Applicant/member must have a genuine desire to serve the school and community.
Applicants/members must successfully complete 10 hours of community service each semester they are in NHS. These 10 hours are comprised of at least 5 community service hours sponsored/promoted by MPHS NHS and at least 5 hours from community service opportunities of the applicant's/member's choice. These hours must be appropriately documented using the MPHS NHS community service hour form. Due dates for community service hours each semester are due at the end of each semester (the specific due date will be announced at meetings, documented on meeting agendas, and posted on this website). For full details regarding community service hours, please refer to the Community Service Hours page of this website.